And then there are the others. The rest of us, those whose lives just don't seem as full and happening, those who really don't have anything interesting to write about. I mean look at my track record - two blogs about a 20th year school reunion and one about why I think people write blogs. So basically the reader of this blog can fairly surmise that they need not check back for another posting till about 2027 when we have our 40th class reunion.
But what I noticed is that people do not just write about events, but also about observations, no matter how small or insignificant. In fact some of the most interesting are often the most insignificant ones. You know the kind when you see something that makes you smile inside but you think it's not worth sharing because it's really not much. An example may help.
And so I have decided to put myself into observation mode which gives me a good excuse to look blankly at people and then smile.