Anyway the point is that I am quite terrified about the upcoming reunion and have been contemplating desperate measures in preparation for the day. A diet may do me some good but I probably need something closer to major surgery including facelift/s, hair transplant, and liposuction. Some of you may remember that at school I was given the nickname “Boss”. A kind classmate once told me that it was because I resembled a certain villain from the “Dukes of Hazard”, and something tells me that the name may just stick (another acronym was less charitable, but I won’t go into that here).
The other recurring nightmare is the one when I remember myself in school, walking around the quad and seeing some middle aged person from say the class of ‘67 clicking photos and trying to have a conversation with a student, and the thoughts that went through my mind. I think it went something like this: “My goodness, don’t these people have a life. I mean imagine having graduated before I WAS EVEN BORN and then coming all the way just to see if things have changed! Well actually Mr so and so we got some form of electricity, and running water quite some time ago. And would you please stop talking about the ‘good old days’. Good grief”.
I have booked my tickets so I will be there for the reunion, but if I look somewhat different, or stay very very quiet – you’ll know why.