"I think that's a very odd thing to do" said my wife as I began to type my first blog. I realized it is a very uncomfortable feeling of exposing yourself or being seen and read by potentially anyone in the worldwide web. The scary part is that it can come to no good whatsoever. Those who don't know you (the majority) will form an opinion of a person based on a photo and some poor introspective writing, and those who do know you will think "what the hell is he doing now"!
Anyways I'm not clear why anyone would write a blog except maybe to try and broadcast an opinion, stay connected, or make themselves better known, or enjoy the public "exposure". I find none of these reasons for my blog, I think it may just be time pass and the enjoyment of writing with no purpose at all. If someone is reading this I would strongly encourage you to stop at this point because this is not going anywhere at all. It's just downloading garbage through the exercise of writing. Just consider this as typing practice.
My wife continues to give me strange looks as I type this and has encouraged me to change the photo of myself to one of a pet dog or favourite bird. She says that I could then behave like a kid who sneaks around the garden, throws a stone into the neighbor's house and peeps through the bushes to see if anyone has noticed. I'm really just doing this to see what happens next.
Curiosity without the guts to face the consequences. But look, I have put my photo on the blog. How much more courageous can a guy get, especially one looking like this. But the question is, is this really me? And even if it is, is it really me?